
Coquette Lace Tube Top

I actually finished this last week, but haven't had the opportunity to get photos. So it took a week of knitting, minus a day or so. I was right to worry about my yardage -- I wouldn't have had enough to complete the pattern as written. By removing one lace repeat in the pattern, I was able to finish it with the yarn I had (but just barely).

In additon to that change, I also added waist shaping and crocheted wee straps. I'd recommend both those alterations to anyone who is particularly small through the torso. I think it would have been sadly baggy around my waist if I hadn't. There are many FO photos out there of people wearing the finished top over a t-shirt, so I wanted to add one with just the top, so people can see that it's not scandalous that way. ;-)

This yarn is totally soft and silky, but it also pills. I'm wondering how well it will wear in the long run.

Pattern: Coquette Lace Tube Top
Source: Fitted Knits by Stefanie Japel
Yarn: Classic Elite Premier, three skeins
Size: smallest



I solved my yarn problem in the simplest way possible. The pattern calls for five lace repeats before the bottom ribbing startes. I did four instead, since I was planning on making the whole thing shorter anyway. What a foxy little knit this is. I should finish it this evening with no problems.

Today I got some Cascade 220 for the Back-to-School Vest, also from Fitted Knits. Man, I think I need an intervention. This is my third project from the book.


Yarn Woes

This is a picture of a yarn diet. :-)

I am kicking myself ... I bought just enough yarn to make the Coquette top from Fitted Knits. Of course, while winding the ball it developed mysteriously into a huge crazy tangle. Gah. I stopped at the LYS on my way home from work and they are totally out of not just the dye lot, but the whole damn color. Lots of ones that are similar, none that are the same.

I am going to soldier on with what I've got, and see how far I get. (I was going to shorten it anyway.) If it isn't enough, I will rip back to the bottom ribbing start and redo it in a complementary color, then frog the top ribbing and redo it in the complementary color as well.

Lesson learned: if you don't use the yarn, you can exchange it ... but if you run short, you'll have to come up with a plan B.

On the bright side, my decision to add shaping was definitely the right choice.



Tonight I had my third chest tattoo session. In addition to the lotus, I have a goldfish on one side (from two weeks ago) and a koi on the other (from tonight), with cherry blossoms to balance it. There will be pictures in the next day or so ... for the record, the absolute worst part was a couple of teeny little smoke wisps right around the kanji that look less than two minutes. Ouch. The whole thing is effectively finished, although I may go back and have blue shading added to the water.

And now, a meme!

Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog. Here are my facts:

1) I was a philosophy major in college. My concentration was axiology (ethical/value philosophy) and existentialism.

2) Cocaine Blues is my favorite Johnny Cash song. Heroin is my favorite Velvet Underground song.

3) I can’t stand eggs. They gross me out to the point that I can barely be at the same table as someone who is eating them. I use a vegan egg substitute when I bake.

4) I modeled rubberwear for my friend’s design line. At one fashion show, the Rubbergirls were superheroes who saved the audience from zombies. In another, we were living dolls fighting over a godlike rock star. I got to wear a rubber bunny hood for that one.

5) A full-page shot of my behind (in fishnets and hot pants, not bare) was featured in a Canadian pothead magazine. I am not sure what that says about Canadian potheads.

6) I've been on TV in America, Japan, and the UK. Our Vegas elopement was on MTV True Life.

7) I feel bad to tag people in memes, in case they don't want to play! This probably means I am too sensitive.

Shannon H., Kitty, bumbershootska, Gypsy Junk, Pam, Jessica/geeyouknit, and msfortunknit!



It has been a busy, busy week ... my boss was in and out of the office and then a coworker was out, so things have been hectic. Not only is Mr. Fury home now, he also dug up a Wii for us; I can't tell you what a time-suck that thing is. Apparently I am a good pretend bowler, and pretend fisher.

After reading through no less than four different tutorials, I have finally managed to produce a short length of lumpy, twisty, unbalanced, overspun, underspun, substance-that-can-loosely-be-defined-as-yarn-if-you-squint. :-) I was having a problem with the entire fiber length completely untwirling when I removed it from the spindle, so this time I just left it on there for 24 hours before taking it off. I was feeling sort of discouraged until I looked at Crafster and saw many other "first yarn" posts that sort of resembled mine. The next attempt will be better, I'm sure. I am going to save this length as a single for posterity.

I go in for my final chest tattoo session on Wednesday ... I know that I vowed not to buy any yarn until it's done, but hey, what difference would a few days make? I have Fitted Knits on the brain -- many things, but particularly that turtleneck vest. Hmm ...


Grand Plans

Mr. Fury returns tomorrow night, so I need to get some hausfrau-ing done this weekend. I like him to come home to a clean house. :-)

This morning I ran out to Blobby Lobby and bought a dowel and some wooden car wheels ... to make this! I couldn't turn up any cup hooks there or at Target, so I'll have to try somewhere else this afternoon. Now that I have some super-cool roving in hand (thanks again, Shannon!!), I'm hoping to start experimenting this week. I know myself, and I know that I have to screw up an awful lot before I get the hang of crafting (see also: me learning to knit, me learning to crochet, me learning to knit Continental ... )

Honestly, I read through a million different sites of instructions, but I still didn't understand the mechanics of spinning until I watched drop spindle basics on YouTube. Now it makes sense in theory -- we'll see if I can get it to work in practice!!

Okay, it's yoga time ... gotta go get my namaste on. ;-)


April Month In Review

What did I do in April? The two-tone ribbed shrug (with successful seaming), the Honeymoon Cami, and one lonely dishcloth. I also went on my first real yarn diet so that I could get tattooed ... although I happened to see Knitting Beyond the Edge on sale for $10 on Amazon, so I had to order it. :-) I managed to destash quite a bit of yarn by donating it, and now my stash is lean and mean and ready for action when needed.

I feel like a good chunk of the month was wasted when I got sick midway through. No fun at all.

Here's to May! How is it that we're a third of the way through the year?!

PRGE Package #2!

Last night I received my second package from my punk pal ... the glorious, lovely, beautiful, generous, and talented Shannon H!! What's really funny is that I was her gift-er, too!

In addition to an adorable box decorated with sheep photos, I received a slew of wonderful goodness: burgundy and indigo fiber, two skeins of Cotton Classic, a pink post-it pad, three skeins of her very own handspun, a bag of specialty pasta (which will be used for a special romantic dinner with Mr. Fury), and a beautiful bracelet that she made herself, presented in a handknit bag made from her own handspun.