
Snit Cardigan, For Real!

Behold Snit Cardigan in all its buttonless glory! My beloved coworker Honey Sweet just happened to bring her camera to work today, so she was able to do a photo shoot for me this afternoon.

Even though it has mistakes, I love it. I learned so, so, so much from it.

I won't hesitate to use WotA for garments in the future. It's not super-duper soft, but it's suitable for next-to-skin wear and it seems pretty durable. It drapes very nicely post-blocking.

I know everyone already knows all about it, but here are the specs:

Pattern: Incredible Custom-Fit Raglan
Source: Woolworks.com
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes worsted, 7 balls Cranberry
Stats: size close-fitting Wee


Mouse said...

It looks wonderful- Congratulations on finishing the sweater!

Shadkitty said...

Woohoo!! It's super cute. I love it. :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely lovely. YAY for a first cardigan. I love it and it looks great on you.

Kimberly said...

Very cute - love the color!

sunneshine said...

The sweater looks great!! Great job... And yay for finishing!!