
Birthday Squee!

Today is my 28th birthday. I've still got a couple more years until the ol' Lifeclock turns black, so I might as well enjoy myself in the meantime. ;-)

In years past, my friend Lucky and I have thrown ourselves rather elaborate parties (including one that involved all our crazy tattooed friends in formal attire at Chuck E. Cheese). This year due to a variety of circumstances, we elected to just celebrate our birthdays at our show last night. One of my all-time favorite bands, the Von Ehrics, opened for us, and there was no shortage of well-wishes from friends and loved ones.

My aforementioned beloved coworker Honey Sweet sent me the soundtrack to Dead & Breakfast, which combines my love of zombies, my love of rockabilly, and my profession of marketing B&Bs (which I do love). :-)

Off to have dinner and cake with the fam!


Bumbershootska said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
Here's to a great year ahead of you :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birfday!

Only a year younger than me? Killer!!!

Your Punk Pal

Shadkitty said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hooray for birthdays!

Mouse said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy 28th to you! Holy hell, I am going to be 33 this year. Hmph! Have a good one.

Lick My Sticks said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Gypsy Junk Knits said...

Happiest of Birthdays!!
It's the b-day knitterly week it seems, so and drench yourself in needless amounts of yarny-bits. Please this way I feel much less guilty.
and Happy Knitting
Bonnie Boheme